Changing Coordinator Disks online in Veritas Cluster Server (VCS) without vxfenswap 
Starting with Veritas Cluster Server 5.0 MP3 there is an official tool "vxfenswap" to change the coordinator disks online. Before there was no such tool and no official statement how to change to coordinator disks while applications could stay online, although there is a simple solution which works normally without any problems.

The steps are:

1) Check the cluster state (LLT, GAB)

root@node1 # lltstat -n
LLT node information:
Node State Links
0 node1 OPEN 3
1 node2 OPEN 3
2 node3 OPEN 3
root@node1 # gabconfig -a
GAB Port Memberships
Port a gen f3b50f membership 012
Port b gen f3b51a membership 012
Port h gen f3b51a membership 012 ^

2) Freeze all service groups and systems persistent.

root@node1 # haconf -makerw
root@node1 # hagrp -list |awk '[{print $1}' | sort -u | while read g ; do hagrp -freeze $g -persistent ; done
VCS WARNING V-16-1-50894 Command (hagrp -freeze -persistent ClusterService ) failed. The Group ClusterService cannot be frozen

root@node1 # hasys -list | while read s ; do hasys -freeze -persistent $s ; done
root@node1 # haconf -dump -makero

3) Stop the cluster monitoring

root@node1 # hastop -all -force

4) Stop the Fencing driver on all cluster nodes

root@nodeXXX # /etc/init.d/vxfen stop
Stopping VxFEN:

5) Stop the GAB driver on all cluster nodes

root@nodeXXX # /etc/init.d/gab stop
Stopping GAB:

6) Stop the LLT driver on all cluster nodes

root@nodeXXX # /etc/init.d/llt stop
Stopping LLT:

7) import the coordinator diskgroup on one node

root@node1 # vxdg -ftC import `cat /etc/vxfendg`

8) Set the coordinator flag off

root@node1 # vxdg -g `cat /etc/vxfendg` set coordinator=off

9) Remove unwanted coordinator disks

root@node1 # vxdg -g `cat /etc/vxfendg` rmdisk <unwanteddiskname>

where unwantetdiskname is the diskname out of the output of the command "vxprint -g `cat /etc/vxfendg`"
10) Add new coordinator disks

root@node1 # vxdctl enable
root@node1 # vxdisksetup -i <newdevicename>
root@node1 # vxdg -g `cat /etc/vxfendg` adddisk <newdiskname>=<newdevicename>

where <newdevicename> is to "DEVICE" out of the output of the command "vxdisk list" and <newdiskname> is a name you choose to name the disk in the diskgroup.
11) Rescan the partitions of the new coordinator disk on all systems
As the partition table is changed when a new disk is initialized by Volume Manager and the other nodes do not know about it, we have to Rescan the partition table on the ohter cluster nodes:

First get the diskid for the new coordinator disk on node1:

root@node1 # vxdisk list <newdevicename> |grep '^disk:'
disk: name= id=1327668260.266.node1

Then create the script on all other nodes with the following content:


vxdctl enable
vxdisk -o alldgs list|grep `cat /etc/vxfendg`|while read disk rest; do
if vxdisk list $disk|grep $1 >/dev/null ; then
if [ "`uname`" = "Linux" ] ; then
vxdisk list $disk | grep state=enabled |while read dev re ; do
grep $dev /proc/partitions
blockdev --rereadpt /dev/$dev
vxdisk rm $disk
vxdctl enable

And run it with the diskid as paramter on the other nodes

root@nodexxx # ./ 1327668260.266.node1

12) Set the coordinator flag on

root@node1 # vxdg -g `cat /etc/vxfendg` set coordinator=on

13) deport the coordinator diskgroup

root@node1 # vxdg -g `cat /etc/vxfendg` deport

14) Start LLT on all nodes:

root@nodex # /etc/init.d/llt start
Starting LLT:
LLT: loading module...
WARNING: No modules found for 2.6.9-55.ELsmp, using compatible modules for 2.6.9-34.ELsmp.
LLT: configuring module...

15) Start GAB on all nodes:

root@nodex # /etc/init.d/gab start
Starting GAB:
WARNING: No modules found for 2.6.9-55.ELsmp, using compatible modules for 2.6.9-34.ELsmp.

16) Start Fencing Driver on all nodes

root@nodex # /etc/init.d/vxfen start
Starting VxFEN:
WARNING: No modules found for 2.6.9-55.ELsmp, using compatible modules for 2.6.9-34.ELsmp.
Starting vxfen.. Done

17) Start the cluster monitoring on all nodes

root@nodex # hastart

18) Unfreeze all service groups and systems persistent.
Wait for the cluster startup to complete. Check it with the command below. There shoud be no output:

root@node1 # hastatus -summ|grep '^D'
D BWP Proxy LAN-PBWP node1
D MIP Proxy LAN-PMIP node2

Here some resources where still not probed. Just wait another minute and recheck...
As soon as all resources are probed you can safely unfreeze the servicegroups and systems:

root@node1 # haconf -makerw
root@node1 # hagrp -list |awk '[{print $1}' | sort -u | while read g ; do hagrp -unfreeze $g -persistent ; done
VCS WARNING V-16-1-40202 Group is not persistently frozen
root@node1 # hasys -list | while read s ; do hasys -unfreeze -persistent $s ; done
root@node1 # haconf -dump -makero

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