ZFS Replication
The Product ZFS Replication is a simple solution to replicate one or more ZFS filesystems from one Solaris Server to the other.

It uses ssh as transport protocol.
It is implemented as a service.
It is possible to run pre and post replication scripts.
It can be run as a non privileged user
it can be configured to replicate periodically and retain a certain number of snapshots as backup
It is easily interactively configured by a setup script
It provides a mechanism to failover to the replicated site (disaster failover)

The documentation can be downloaded from zfsrepl_manual.pdf

If you want to use the package use the contact form to get a user account for you.

Then the package can be downloaded using the link DOEzfsrepl.tar.gz.

The current version works on Solaris 10, Solaris 11.